June 2024

By Troy Marks, MA Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and rewards, and the approach we take to guide our children plays a pivotal role in their development. Positive reinforcement, a parenting strategy that emphasizes encouraging desired behaviors through praise and rewards, has proven to...

Embarking on the journey of therapy is a courageous step toward self-discovery and mental well-being. However, the process of finding the right therapist can be both empowering and challenging. In this blog post, we'll explore essential considerations and practical tips to help you navigate the...

As the school year winds down, many parents anticipate summer break with a mix of excitement and trepidation. While summer offers the promise of sun-soaked days, family adventures, and a break from the rigors of the school routine, it can also bring a unique set...

Screens have become an integral part of our lives. For adolescents, who are in a critical stage of social development, the impact of screen time on social skills is a topic of growing concern.  On one hand, screens provide adolescents with unprecedented opportunities for connectivity. Social...