Psychological Evaluations – Children & Teens


First, we need to identify your child’s current situation. To help accomplish that, we can employ just the right assessment tools and design an evaluation plan tailored to your specific needs and questions about your child. We all have strengths. We all have challenges. We can help your child maximize their strengths and improve and overcome their challenges at home and school.

You will be able to get your questions answered regarding your child’s:

  • Cognitive skills, including a measure of IQ
  • Academic skill levels
  • Unique strengths and weaknesses
  • Personality profile. In other words: what makes them tick?
  • Levels of anxiety and/or depression
  • The presence of ADHD, executive functioning challenges, a learning disability, or something else

Differential Diagnosis

  • Our comprehensive evaluations that investigate the ‘why’ behind the difficulty, rather than simply looking to see if a child checks the boxes for a certain disability
  • We evaluate for multiple disabilities to reduce the likelihood that something is overlooked
  • Each family is provided with a thorough report that includes all data collected, the diagnostic impression, an explanation of how the data supports the diagnosis, and recommendations for next steps
  • Each evaluation concludes with a 1:1 personalized interpretation session to help parents better understand the diagnosis and report 

School Accommodations, Disability Evaluations and Special Education

  • We can help determine if your child might be eligible for special education services or a 504 Accommodation Plan
  • We will be able to identify what evidence-based interventions may be most effective for your child based on their learning profile
  • Does your child need accommodations? Might they qualify for testing accommodations, such as extra-time on the ACT? SAT? GRE?

Independent Education Evaluations

  • Sometimes parents disagree with the school’s findings on an evaluation of their child or they may just want a second opinion, aka Independent Educational Evaluation. We can get the answers to your questions
Contact us to learn more about how we can help