Therapist Spotlight: Max Carney

Therapist Spotlight: Max Carney

Max specializes in supporting adults dealing with anger management, substance abuse concerns, and ADHD related issues. She has experience working in an all-male substance abuse center in Detroit doing individual and group therapy. Max graduated from the Michigan School of Psychology with a master’s in clinical psychology. MSP trains its students with the Humanistic approach, which can be seen in how she approaches clients. Along with the Humanistic approach, she also utilizes Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing to help her clients reach self-actualization and flourish outside of therapy. 

Max utilizes Humanistic, Gestalt, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI) to help uplift clients in building stress management tools, help regulate emotions, and achieve self-actualization. With clients experiencing ADHD symptoms she assists them in building up executive functioning, engaging in routines, and helping clients feel confident in their ability to complete tasks. 

Here’s a bit more about Max and what brought her to psychology:

What brought you into the field of social work/psychology? 

  • What brought me into the field of psychology was frustration. I became frustrated with the healthcare system and wanted to see a change. I wanted to be part of the change. The reason I chose psychology instead of any other field was my fascination with how people think and what contributes to an individual’s temperament. People are fascinating and learning about human behavior was always a joy. With this fascination and frustration, I was motivated to help people become their ideal selves. Individuals deserve the opportunity to gain insight and have a safe space to grow into their ideal selves.


What is your favorite age group to work with and why?

  • My favorite age group to work with is adults. I love watching adults unlearn past ideations and gain a better sense of self and hope. Adults may feel as if they are too old for change, and I take great joy watching those adults learn that it is never too late to become who they want to be. Along with watching adults grow I also gain so much insight from them. As therapists we are always learning from our clients. When I work with adults, I gain great wisdom that I can take with me in my professional and personal life. 



What is your favorite aspect of your job and why?

  • My favorite part of my job is watching clients experience that “lightbulb” moment. Watching my clients put together puzzle pieces is an experience I would not trade for the world. The joy comes from knowing my clients are thinking about their therapy and having those self-actualization moments. 


What would you do for a career if you weren’t a social worker/psychologist?

  • If I did not go into the field of psychology I would have become a lawyer. I enjoyed learning about law and began to entertain the idea of being a divorce attorney. While learning law is still fascinating to be I enjoyed learning about human behavior more. As I spend more time enjoying the psychological world, I wouldn’t be against working in the courts on the stands. I may not be a lawyer, but I can still enjoy the court room. 


How do you define success?

  • Success is defined as feeling fulfilled. I can have as much money as one might want but if I feel unfulfilled then I am not succeeding. Succeeding to me is helping and watching clients grow into their ideal self. Success is spending time with the individuals and animals I love. Success is going to new places and gaining new experiences. Success is the fulfillment of life. At this time, I would say I am succeeding. 


If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as a mentor?

  • Out of all my time in school there are a few individuals I would choose to be my mentor. My number one choice would be Yolam. Yolam has been a huge part of my graduate degree. I have read so much of his work but what I took the most from him was how he ran group therapy. The tools and information I learned can be used in groups but also in individual therapy. When Yolam described recapitulation of family roles he asks his clients “are you satisfied?” That one question has stuck with me and caused me to think about how I can help clients determine if they are satisfied. 


What is your personal philosophy? 

  • My personal philosophy aligns most with existential. Existential philosophy is defined as humans do not have an inherent purpose/meaning and as we move through life, we derive our own meaning/purpose. I do not believe we humans have a meaning of life, so I went out to carve my own. I have come to the conclusion I am here to help others in their pursuit to become their ideal selves. 


What is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

  • My favorite place I have traveled to was St. Martin. The view of the mountains was such a beautiful sight that I would sit and stare for hours. There is a sense of calmness that comes with seeing mountains and ocean meet. To get a better view of the mountains I got to climb up and zipline down. I was able to relax on my walk with the stunning views and raise my heart rate going down the zipline. I enjoyed myself and hope to go back one day.


What is your favorite thing to do around metro Detroit?

  • My favorite activity to do in metro Detroit is to find new restaurants. I love finding little restaurants and trying new foods. Sharing food with loved ones is always a great way to spend my time. Any time I find or get a recommendation for a restaurant I will find time (and parking) to expand my pallet. 


Where is your favorite spot in Michigan and why?

  • My favorite spot in Michigan must be the DIA. I especially love the small coffee shop in the heart of the DIA. The calming presence of the art, the sounds of clicking keyboards, and small talk brings me peace. I always seem to lose track of time when I am drinking my coffee, nibbling on a pastry, and wondering the halls of the museum. Being in the presence of stunning works of art reminds me how beautiful humanity is.