How Therapy Can Help Kids Navigate Divorce

How Therapy Can Help Kids Navigate Divorce

Divorce is a complex and emotionally challenging experience for everyone involved, especially children. When parents decide to part ways, children often find themselves caught up in the change, confusion, and conflicting emotions. Therapy can play an invaluable role in helping kids cope with their parents’ divorce, providing them with the tools they need to navigate this life-altering event.

Divorce can be an incredibly unsettling experience for children. They may feel a sense of loss, sadness, anger, guilt, and even blame themselves for their parents’ separation. These emotions can manifest in behavioral changes, academic struggles, and social difficulties. By seeking therapy, parents can acknowledge and address the emotional turmoil their children are facing.

These are some ways that therapy helps:


Providing a Safe Space

Therapy offers children a confidential and non-judgmental environment where they can express their feelings openly. A skilled therapist creates a safe space for children to share their thoughts, fears, and concerns, fostering a sense of security and trust.

Emotional Regulation

Children often lack the emotional tools to process the intense feelings that come with divorce. Therapists help children identify and manage their emotions, teaching them healthy coping mechanisms to regulate their feelings and reduce anxiety.


Children need to know that their feelings are valid and understood. Therapy validates their emotions, helping them realize that it’s okay to feel upset, angry, or sad. This validation can reduce feelings of isolation and promote emotional healing.

Understanding the Process

Therapy educates children about the divorce process, demystifying it and helping them comprehend the changes taking place. Understanding what divorce means and its implications can alleviate confusion and uncertainty.

Coping Strategies

Therapists equip children with practical coping strategies to deal with challenging situations. These strategies can include mindfulness exercises, journaling, deep breathing techniques, and positive self-talk.

Involving Parents 

Therapy isn’t just for children—it also involves parents. Family therapy sessions can provide a platform for parents to better understand their child’s perspective and work collaboratively to create a supportive environment. By enhancing parental communication and co-parenting skills, children can benefit from a more stable post-divorce family life.

Divorce is undoubtedly a tumultuous time, but therapy can provide children with emotional tools, coping strategies, and a safe space to express themselves and empower them to navigate their parents’ divorce with resilience.



HelpGuide, Children and Divorce

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Children and Divorce

Center for Anxiety Disorders, Divorce Therapy for Children