End of Summer Habits to Start with Your Kids for an Easier Transition Back to School

End of Summer Habits to Start with Your Kids for an Easier Transition Back to School

We’re about half-way through the summer, but as parents, we all know that the end of summer comes up fast! As we start to look ahead to the month of August, it’s natural for both parents and kids to feel a mix of excitement,anxiety, and even grief that the summer is ending. The end of summer signifies a shift from leisurely days to structured schedules, and this transition can sometimes be challenging. To help ease the switch from vacation mode to school mode, here are some effective habits you can start with your kids in the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition back to school.

1. Gradually Adjust Sleep Schedules

One of the biggest adjustments for kids (and parents) is getting back into a school-friendly sleep routine. During summer, bedtimes and wake-up times often become more relaxed. Start gradually shifting bedtime and wake-up times earlier by 15-30 minutes each day. This gentle adjustment will help their bodies adapt to the new schedule without the shock of a sudden change.

2. Establish a Morning Routine

Morning routines set the tone for the day. Begin practicing your school morning routine a week or two before school starts. This includes waking up, having breakfast, getting dressed, and any other morning tasks. A consistent routine can help reduce morning chaos and ensure everyone starts the day on the right foot. For children who have a harder time adjusting, you may want to start establishing a morning routine even earlier, or incorporate tools such as visual schedules and checklists

3. Revisit Academic Skills

To prevent the “summer slide,” gently reintroduce academic activities. This doesn’t mean diving straight into heavy schoolwork. Instead, try engaging and fun activities like reading together, playing educational games, or doing simple math puzzles. This helps refresh their minds and gets them back into a learning mindset.

4. Organize School Supplies Together

Make a fun activity out of organizing school supplies. Let your kids choose their notebooks, backpacks, and other essentials. Labeling supplies together can also help kids feel more prepared and excited for school. This also ensures they have everything they need and reduces last-minute shopping stress.

5. Plan Healthy Meals and Snacks

Nutrition plays a crucial role in your child’s energy levels and concentration. Start planning and practicing healthy meals and snacks that are easy to prepare and pack for school. Involve your kids in the process to teach them about balanced nutrition and to get their input on what they enjoy eating.

6. Set Up a Homework Station

Create a dedicated, clutter-free space for homework and study time. This can be a desk in their room or a quiet corner of the house. Having a designated homework area helps kids associate that space with focus and productivity. Equip it with necessary supplies like pencils, paper, and a comfortable chair.

7. Plan Fun End-of-Summer Activities

Celebrate the end of summer with fun activities that your kids enjoy. This could be a family outing, a picnic, or a movie night. These positive experiences can create lasting memories and provide a cheerful conclusion to the summer break.

8. Reinforce Positive Attitudes

Encourage a positive outlook on the upcoming school year. Talk about the exciting opportunities for learning new things, making new friends, and engaging in fun activities. A positive attitude can significantly influence how kids perceive the start of school.

9. Practice Independence

Help your kids practice independence by assigning age-appropriate responsibilities, such as packing their own school bags or choosing their outfits for the day. This builds their confidence and prepares them for the increased responsibility that comes with the school year.

By gradually integrating these habits into your daily routine, you can help your kids transition back to school with ease and confidence. The end of summer doesn’t have to be stressful; it can be a time of preparation and excitement for the new adventures that the school year will bring. But, it’s okay and normal for kids and adults to feel a variety of emotions when summer ends. With a bit of planning and a positive approach, we hope these tips will help foster a smooth and enjoyable start to the school year for the whole family.


Scholastic.com, 10 Ways to Make the Switch from Summer to School

Your Kids Table, How to Make A Smooth Transition Back to School

Care.com, How to Transition Your Family’s Schedule from Summer to School Mode