02 Jan 3 Steps to Become Your Best Self in 2019
With every new year, there is a buzz in the air for the potential the “new’“ future holds. Resolutions for healthier living, more mindfulness, increased awareness, building closer relationships, and more are abundantly posted onto your social media feeds, plastered onto television, print media, etc. While some joyfully make long lists of all of their New Years Resolutions, others consider it an excuse to put off your goals until a certain time of the year, only to fall off in a couple weeks time. Some avoid setting goals altogether—the first step seemingly too daunting. Which category do you fall under? Do you love a good New Year Resolution to kick off a lofty goal of yours? Or do you prefer to maintain your goals on your own timeline?
Either way, the key is remember to simply take the first step. Whether it is January 1st or June 23rd, you have the potential to create whatever it is that fuels your fire. Whether it is hitting the gym, taking that trip, repairing relationships, or landing that new job, that power lies within you, 365 days of the year.
At Galvin Growth Group, our Resolution—365 days of the year— is to continue to empower you to go for it. Whatever your “it” is. We want to empower you to make that first step—whether it feels like a tiny shuffle forward or a leap off of a never-ending cliff. Here at GGG, we have created a few resolutions of our own that would like to share, along with ideas to inspire you to make your first step.
Resolution #1: Tapping into Our Creativity
As the year dwindled down to a close, the team at GGG made plans for bringing you fresh and exciting content in 2019. This year, we will be bringing you blog posts every week, filled with ideas to lessen anxiety, improve your productivity, relationships, self-esteem, and more! There are endless pathways for you becoming your best self in 2019, and we want to be a vehicle of inspiration for you! How can you tap into your creativity in 2019? Share it with us in the comments!
Resolution #2: Embodying the Lifelong Learner
We will be sharing with you new psychological research in areas such as anxiety, executive functioning, relationships, self-esteem, education, and more! At GGG, we are always striving to learn more about our craft, so we can help you attain your goals. ! What would you like to learn about in 2019? Will you take up a new instrument or language? Will you attend professional development in your field? Let us know what you’re interested in this year, in the comment section below, or drop us a private note on our Contact page!
Resolution #3: Doing the Work
Galvin Growth Group team members will be hosting skill building workshops and attending events for both parents and students throughout the year! Topics will likely include tips for managing anxiety, improving productivity, and self-esteem. Visit our blog often for updates on dates, locations, and topics! Is there a topic that you think would be great for a workshop? Let us know in the comments!
We hope that 2019 taps into your creative bug, inspiring you to learn more, and do work that empowers you. We hope that you allow us to join you on your journey by bringing you insight and ideas to make 2019 your best year yet!